Par panel reviews performance of PSU general insurers
The 22-member Parliamentary committee on public undertakings, headed by Santosh Kumar Gangwar, reviewed the performance of all the four state-run non-life insurance companies
image for illustrative purpose

Mumbai: The 22-member Parliamentary committee on public undertakings, headed by Santosh Kumar Gangwar, reviewed the performance of all the four state-run non-life insurance companies
for the fiscal year gone by physically in New Delhi on Monday.
This story was first carried by Bizz Buzz dated September 12. Headsof all the four state-owned non-life insurers- New India Assurance, Oriental, United India, National Insurance and the national reinsurer GIC were present at the meeting. The CMD of National Insurance Suchita Gupta is not keeping well, so she couldn't attend the meeting. National Insurance was represented by both of its directors -- Neera Saxena and Navneet Doda.
One of the participants of the meeting told Bizz Buzz that the luncheon meeting went for around a couple of hours. The panel reviewedvarious aspects related to insurance sector.
It will be followed by a briefing to be made by the representatives of Finance Ministry (Department of Public Enterprises) on the subject 'Corporate Governance in CPSUs' on September 20. Meenakashi Lekhi ceased to be a Member of the Committee consequent upon her appointment as Minister of State in the Union Council of Ministers on July 07.